North West London CCG pilots Healthroam Collaborations to deliver Wi-Fi roaming across a select number of its sites. With users from different organisations collaborating successfully by connecting to local site services on the North West London CCG network as required.
North West London CCG supports a wide range of services, from IT, HR, BI, Primary Care and more. Supporting a large number of users from many different Health and Social Care organisations operating across them, including the NWL ICB has many strategic challenges. As such they are looking at more efficient ways to operate and collaborate at NWL sites and across the wider ICB landscape. With 90% of NWL CCG sites being multiple tenanted a simple yet secure way for Health and Social Care users to share on-site network infrastructure has long been required.
North West London CCG approached us following a number of presentations and seminars we had run about our Healthroam Collaborations product and trusted digital identities. Looking to the future goals of a Health and Social Care service with the ICB in mind they chose to commission a proof of concept of our service across 11 NWL CCG sites. A report was commissioned on the results of the pilot which found that in 90 days there were 500+ user logins from 12 different organisations across the pilot sites. This included supporting network connectivity for all ICB board members for their weekly board meetings.
The proof of concept was a huge success not just with the users but we were able to demonstrate the wide range of use cases and benefits to organisations looking to collaborate across their locality.